How Assisted Living Facilities Customize Care to Meet the Unique Needs of Residents

When the time comes for an older adult to transition into assisted living, family members might feel concerned about whether it will meet their needs. 

Assisted living facilities in Orlando, Florida, provide customized care to ensure that every resident gets the support they need. Find out more about how assisted living communities customize care for residents.

Personalized Medical Treatment Plans

One of the most common concerns for senior adults is medical care. Many seniors have chronic or progressive health conditions that require ongoing care. Assisted living facilities place medical needs at the top of a long list of priorities to make sure that every resident gets the care they need. 

There are skilled medical professionals at every assisted living home to assist seniors with their health needs. These might include daily medications, medical treatments, and more. Most assisted living facilities have nurses on-site at all times to attend to residents’ needs whenever something arises.

Memory Care and Cognitive Services

A large number of older adults struggle with cognitive concerns like Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. These issues are often progressive and result in memory loss, difficulty speaking, and trouble processing information. Many assisted living facilities offer memory care services to slow the progression of cognitive decline.

Memory care focuses on strengthening recall skills and other cognitive abilities. These practices can help lessen the severity of symptoms from Alzheimer’s or dementia. Depending on the resident’s needs, they may receive memory care once a week, several times a week, or even daily.

Group or Solo Activity Opportunities

The staff members at assisted living facilities want every resident to lead their best life throughout their golden years. Part of this is staying busy and having fun, which is why assisted living homes offer both group and solo activities for residents. 

These facilities understand that everyone is unique; while some seniors enjoy social interaction, others may be more introverted. Group activities like dance classes and movie nights are great for more social seniors, and art classes and music lessons may be better suited for seniors who appreciate their alone time.

Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Options

Another way that assisted living facilities strive to meet their residents’ needs is by providing rehabilitation and therapy options. Some seniors are injured in accidents or struggle with chronic pain from underlying conditions. 

Whatever the cause of a senior’s medical condition, most assisted living homes can bring in medical professionals to guide these residents through physical therapy and other treatments.

Sometimes on-site therapy or rehab is not an option. That’s why nearly all assisted living facilities provide transportation to outside medical establishments. This helps residents get the customized care that they need to heal properly and have an enhanced quality of life.

Assistance with Housekeeping and Hygiene

One important thing that assisted and independent living in Orlando provides is help with housekeeping. Many older adults have a hard time keeping up with household maintenance due to physical or cognitive concerns. In assisted or independent living, professional housekeepers help older adults maintain their living spaces.

Some seniors may also need help with daily personal hygiene. In assisted living, trained staff members and aides can assist with showering, bathing, brushing hair, dental hygiene, and more. 

Custom Care at Assisted Living Facilities in Orlando, Florida

If you have an older adult in your life in need of ongoing, personalized care, it may be time to transition them into assisted living. Through custom medical care, memory services, activities, and rehabilitation options, assisted living communities are able to give seniors the exact care that they need.

6 Ways Moving to an Assisted Living Facility Enhances Quality of Life

Are you contemplating the transition into assisted living for yourself or a loved one? Moving into an assisted living facility can seem daunting for older adults and their family members. 

Many concerns and misconceptions surround the idea of assisted living, which can lead to apprehension. When these feelings arise, it is essential to recognize all of the ways that assisted living facilities benefit senior adults. The following are just six reasons that moving to an assisted living facility can enhance your quality of life.

1. Daily Medical Support

One of the most significant ways that assisted living facilities enhance seniors’ quality of life is by providing daily medical support

Most older adults have chronic health concerns that require daily care. In assisted living, trained professionals take care of daily medical needs by assisting with medication, health treatments, and more. Residents also have access to skilled medical professionals and nursing staff on an ongoing basis.

2. Social Interaction with Peers

There is a common misconception that assisted living is lonely and that residents spend much of their time isolated. However, most residents do not find this to be the case. 

Most assisted living facilities encourage social interaction among residents by organizing group activities. Many Orlando assisted living facilities have common areas where residents can spend time with their peers playing games, sharing meals, or watching television.

3. Assistance with Daily Functions

As you age, it can be harder to keep up with certain daily functions or tasks. Things like housekeeping and personal hygiene can be difficult for older adults to perform effectively. 

In assisted living facilities, staff members are always present to help complete these tasks and more. This support allows seniors to live in a clean, safe environment without struggling to care for themselves or their living space.

4. Continuous Activities

Another common misconception about assisted living communities is that residents get bored very easily. In assisted living in Orlando, this could not be further from the truth. 

Residents have access to a variety of activities and hobbies to occupy their time. Staff members coordinate group and solo activities, giving residents plenty of opportunities to enjoy and express themselves. These activities might include anything from art classes and movie nights to music lessons and physical fitness courses

5. Safety and Supervision

Many families transition their loved ones into assisted living for safety and supervision. Some older adults struggle with cognitive concerns that cause them to wander off or put themselves in harm’s way. 

Assisted living facilities can provide constant supervision for these residents, helping keep them safe at all times. Nearly all assisted living facilities are secured and contained to make sure that residents are always accounted for.

6. Personalized Care

Almost all assisted living communities offer personalized care for their residents. This means that every resident receives exactly what they need from trained staff and skilled medical professionals. 

Those who have ongoing medical concerns will have a daily treatment plan that meets their health needs. Residents who have cognitive issues like Alzheimer’s or dementia can receive access to memory care services. This type of individualized care ensures that your loved one is able to lead their best life while in assisted living.

Living Your Best Life in Orlando Assisted Living Facilities 

The transition into assisted living may not be easy for everyone, but it is important to remember how it can enhance the quality of life for older adults. From personalized care to ongoing medical treatment, residents of assisted living facilities are given the support they need to enjoy their golden years.

Independence and Safety: How to Find the Best Balance for Aging Adults

Moving your loved one into an Orlando assisted living facility can be an exciting time, as it means that your family member is joining a thriving community full of like-minded people. However, there are some reasons why this transition can also be difficult for you and your loved one. 

For many seniors, moving into an assisted living facility can signify a loss of independence. Understandably, most seniors want to live independently at home for as long as possible. But in some cases, an assisted living situation is the wisest choice for their continued health and longevity.

How to Make a Smooth Transition to Orlando Assisted Living

About to embark on the journey of transitioning your loved one to independent living in Orlando? Here are some tips to find a great balance between independence and safety that you and your family members can feel good about.

Keep Communication Open

It can be frustrating for seniors to feel like their choices are suddenly in the hands of others as they age. This frustration can bring rise to conflicts with their loved ones, who are only trying to help. 

The best way to avoid conflict during a life transition for seniors is to keep your line of communication with them open. Do your best to keep discussions calm and let them know that they are supported and heard throughout the process. Listen to their concerns and truly take them into account as you make your decision, even if you think that you have their best interests in mind.

Encourage Healthy Habits to Support Longevity

It’s completely understandable why the senior in your life might want to remain independent instead of entrusting their care to the professional staff at an assisted living community. This makes it vital that they understand how to maintain that independence for themselves. 

Losing muscle mass is a natural part of aging, but it doesn’t mean that seniors have to acquiesce to it completely. Keeping up a regular fitness routine can significantly help to maintain core strength and overall muscle mass, helping to prevent falls or make them less damaging when they do happen. 

Increased physical strength will make it more feasible for your loved one to continue living independently, whether they choose to do it at home or in an independent living community.

Understand Seniors’ Rights

As you’re navigating this stage of life for your loved one, make sure you keep their rights in mind. Unless issues with cognitive function are present, adults are entitled to make their own decisions, no matter their age. 

This means that your family member still has the final say over their life circumstances and choices, whether others in their life support those choices or not. This is why keeping open communication with your loved one is so important, as these rights are often invoked when the individual feels pressured or forced into an independent living situation rather than choosing it for themselves.

Choose a Facility that Prioritizes Independence

Many seniors aren’t aware that truly independent senior living communities exist. They may associate this living arrangement with restrictions and loss of independence, but there are many incredible facilities in Orlando that prioritize the continued independence of their community members.

Independent living communities are designed to provide seniors with a valuable sense of community and support as they enjoy their golden years. While assistance is available whenever needed, these communities foster independent lifestyles among their residents while supporting their hobbies and interests, hosting regular social events, and keeping seniors connected to the vibrant city around them.  

6 Self-Care Tips for Seniors Grieving the Loss of a Loved One

Grieving the loss of a loved one is difficult at any age, but it can hit seniors especially hard. During the grieving process, it can be easy to fall into a rut and neglect important daily routines, which will ultimately make the grief worse.

Whether seniors are living independently or in assisted living in Orlando, it is important to continue routine and self-care while they grieve.

Six essential self-care tips can help seniors navigate grieving the loss of a loved one.

1. Schedule a Joyful Activity

Whether it is going to the movies, doing arts and crafts, or playing cards, most seniors have activities that they enjoy doing. While they may not feel motivated to partake in a joyful activity, it can really help to brighten their spirits and remember that there are still good times ahead.

Scheduling a joyful activity doesn’t even have to be something that the senior is familiar with. Some new fun activities for seniors to try include:

  • Live theater
  • Volunteering
  • Taking a class
  • Going for a swim
  • Gardening
  • Writing
  • Baking

Taking the time to distract the mind through an enjoyable activity is one of the best ways to cope with grief.

2. Talk to Someone

Seniors can easily fall into the trap of isolation when grieving the loss of a loved one. Talking to someone about their feelings, or even about other topics, is important to processing grief. 

Talking about feelings is sometimes the best way to come to terms with loss, and social interaction overall is incredibly important for grieving seniors.

3. Keep Up a Routine

Grieving the loss of a loved one often causes a lack of motivation, which can mean that daily routines go out the window. It’s important for seniors to continue to care for themselves and their environment during this difficult time. 

Sometimes family, friends, or caregivers may have to step in and encourage or assist seniors with their routines. Keeping a sense of stability while grieving can be one of the most important parts of coping.

4. Take a Walk

When grieving a loved one, physical activity can easily fall to the bottom of a senior’s priorities. However, it’s important to continue to set aside time for exercise each day. Taking a walk allows seniors to clear their minds, distract themselves, and meet their daily exercise goals in the process. 

5. Make Time for Yourself

Some seniors deal with the loss of a loved one by keeping a busy schedule. While this can be effective temporarily, it is usually not a good way to cope with grief long-term. Seniors need to make time for themselves to relax and enjoy activities rather than continuously working or doing chores to keep busy.

6. Spend Time Outdoors

With its calming effect, nature has provided healing for centuries. Even short exposure to fresh air, trees, and animals can have a big impact. Seniors can spend time outdoors on a walk, bird-watching in the park, or just sitting on a picnic bench. 

Getting fresh air and a change of scenery can go a long way in helping seniors get through their grief.

Care for Loved Ones at Assisted Living in Orlando

If a senior living in an Orlando skilled nursing facility or assisted living facility is confronting grief, caregivers can step in and ensure that seniors are getting the care they need. Living among peers, friends, and caregivers is often a healthy environment for seniors following the death of a loved one. 

Grieving is never easy, but with help and support, seniors can successfully navigate the process and begin to move on with a new life.

4 Tips to Simplify Video Calls for Seniors

Staying connected is so important for seniors. Social interaction helps seniors stay engaged, motivated, and healthy. Today, social interaction is no longer limited to face-to-face encounters. 

With the help of technology, talking to family or friends is just a video call away. However, seniors don’t always catch on to new technologies as quickly as younger generations.

Here are four tips to simplify video calls for seniors

1. Invest in a Quality Device

To video call, you need a connected device like a computer, phone, or tablet. Newer models are user-friendly and have incorporated years of user testing into their designs. They also tend to be easier to use and fix, and they last longer than older models. 

If a senior uses an outdated or low-quality device, it can be less reliable and more difficult to navigate. In addition, low-quality devices usually come with other problems like poor battery life and minimal volume. 

Investing in a quality device will make things easier and more enjoyable. A good device can last years and become a staple in any senior’s home.

2. Choose a User-Friendly and Safe App

Selecting the right device is only half of the equation when it comes to video calls. Many apps on the market provide free video calling services, and some are more user-friendly than others. 

Do some research before downloading the app to make sure it is user-friendly and safe. Some apps are simple to use and only involve a few button clicks, while others are a bit more complicated. Many apps offer built-in tutorials to walk a new user through the steps and features.

Many apps are high quality and truly free. Others claim to be free but actually have ulterior motives. Seniors are more susceptible to internet scams, so make sure your app is reputable and trusted. 

3. Provide a Tutorial

Even for the most user-friendly devices and applications, a tutorial can always be helpful in learning how to navigate a video call. If you are helping a senior loved one, take some time to show them how to use their device and the app. Usually, it only takes one tutorial to empower them to use their new tool whenever needed.

4. Take It Slow

Today’s video calling devices and services have more features than ever before. From screen sharing to filters, video calls can offer a lot of features to advanced users. While these features can be helpful, they can also be overwhelming for seniors who are trying out the technology for the first time.

Especially when they are first starting, take it slow and only take on the simple calls at first. Make sure to answer all of their questions. Trying to introduce too much complexity at once can deter seniors from wanting to use the technology.

Stay Connected at Assisted Living Facilities in Orlando, Florida

Assisted living facilities in Orlando, Florida, offer wonderful communities where seniors have the chance to spend more time doing the things they love in a beautiful environment with convenient amenities. 

Seniors in assisted living also have plenty of opportunities to get involved in the community and meet new friends. Despite all that assisted living offers, it is still critical that seniors stay connected with family and friends, and they can easily do that through video calling. 

No matter where seniors live, whether in their own home, assisted living, or in an Orlando skilled nursing facility, they can stay in touch with the people they care about with just the click of a button. 

Shared Decision Making in Older Adults: How Important Is It?

As seniors enter a period in their lives when they need more support, there can be a lot of tough decisions to make; from finances to where to live to what kind of care is needed, it can be an uncertain time. Sometimes seniors need help in making the right decision for their future. 

However, family members and caregivers should never take over important decisions without input from the senior. Read on to learn how important shared decision-making is and how inclusive decision-making can make a difference to seniors.  

Shared Decision Making Is Critical for Older Adults

For most seniors, there comes a time when family or a caregiver naturally steps in to help provide support, and that often includes making decisions. 

Sometimes seniors experience cognitive decline and need help sorting out the implications of small and big decisions. However, seniors must remain a part of the decision-making process.

When older adults do not get to weigh in on decisions, it can lead to anxiety, frustration, and a sense of helplessness. If big decisions are being made about their future, they are likely already experiencing feelings of uncertainty. Making decisions and plans without them can increase the intensity of these feelings.

The opposite is true as well. If seniors are experiencing cognitive decline, it may not be a good idea to let them have total autonomy over important decisions. They may not realize the full consequences of their actions, and they can even be susceptible to undue influence from a friend or family member or fall victim to a scam

For these reasons, it is critical to ensure that any decisions are made together and all options are considered.

How Making Decisions Together Makes a Difference to Seniors

While it can be tempting to let seniors make their own decisions or just make decisions for them, this is generally not the right approach. Shared decision-making can make a big difference to seniors on several fronts.

Maintaining Independence

As seniors age, it’s not uncommon for them to lose a little independence. They may experience health challenges or mobility issues requiring a little more support. They may not be able to do everything they once did. Making decisions without them can further take away their independence.

Involving seniors in important decision-making gives them a sense of independence and makes them feel like they still have some autonomy in their lives.

Empowering Seniors

Involving seniors in decision-making can make them feel empowered and help ease feelings of uncertainty. Making decisions without them can take away their power and even lead to feelings of helplessness. 

Empower your loved one to weigh in on decisions and feel heard in the process. It can make a big difference in how they feel and in the overall relationship dynamic.

Ensuring Senior Safety

It’s important to always include seniors in decision-making, but a part of that is oversight to ensure safety. Sometimes caregivers or loved ones need to step in when a senior is making a decision that may pose a risk to their safety. 

For example, when seniors want to continue to use their home with stairs or drive a car, a third party may need to step in and ensure they remain safe. 

Inclusive Decision Making in Orlando, FL, Assisted Living

For seniors who need a little extra support in their day-to-day lives, Orlando, FL, assisted living can be a good option. Independent living in Orlando is another option for seniors who want to maintain an active lifestyle through retirement. 

Regardless of the senior’s needs, retirement communities offer beautiful facilities and amenities where seniors have an active role in the decisions that impact their lives.

What Is the Difference Between Independent Living and Assisted Living?

When it comes to retiring in Florida, seniors have many options for living accommodations. Living at home, transitioning to independent living, or moving into an assisted living community are all readily available choices. 

Because each senior has unique needs and preferences, they should learn the details about each option. There are a few key differences between assisted and independent living in Orlando.

Daily Services

One of the major benefits of transitioning to a retirement community is the convenience factor. Taking care of a home as a senior can be a major task, and retirement communities take some of this burden away. 

While both independent and assisted living facilities in Orlando, Florida, offer assistance with daily tasks, the level of service provided is different.

In independent living, residents receive the community benefits of security, landscaping, dining, housekeeping, and many other amenities. However, they do not receive a lot of extra support when it comes to things like cooking, managing schedules, or taking medication. 

On the other hand, assisted living residents receive more hands-on assistance and are usually responsible for fewer day-to-day tasks and chores.

Supportive Care

The level of supportive care needed is often the deciding factor when seniors are considering independent vs. assisted living. Seniors who need some degree of support are better suited for assisted living. 

Assisted living can provide a range of supportive care, from simple check-ins with nursing staff to more extensive assistance such as help with bathing and medication management. 

The best assisted living communities are set up to cater to the different levels of care needed. Some residents may need assistance only with selected tasks, while others may need around-the-clock support.

In independent living, residents have access to staff and support when they need them but generally don’t receive any day-to-day supportive care services. Independent living is intended for seniors who are still maintaining an active lifestyle and who do not need to be supported in carrying out daily activities.

Living Spaces

Privacy is of the utmost importance in any senior living community, so both independent and assisted living communities offer private residences for community members. 

Independent living community members may want a bit more space for things like activities and entertaining. Residents can choose from small studio units to two-bedroom open floor plan apartments. All living spaces are outfitted with everything a personal home would have to enable a fully independent lifestyle.  

While assisted living residences are also spacious and include all of the modern amenities, they also must be able to accommodate caregivers on a daily basis. They tend to be a bit more accessible and in some instances do not include things that may be a hazard to that particular resident, such as hot cooking surfaces or irons.

Family Involvement

Regardless of a senior’s status or ability, family is an important component of their life. In independent living, families are encouraged to visit as much as possible, and residents are encouraged to attend outings and activities off-campus with family members. 

Generally, the interaction between family and independent living staff will be minimal.

In assisted living, on the other hand, some seniors aren’t as mobile so families are encouraged to come on-site to visit rather than venturing out all of the time. In addition, families are often more involved with staff to ensure that their loved one is receiving the care they need. 

Family may also be involved in things like helping to coordinate medical visits or even making medical decisions.

Independent vs. Assisted Living Facilities in Orlando, Florida

Orlando is home to some of the best retirement communities in the country that cater to seniors of all abilities. Both independent and assisted living communities offer seniors the services, conveniences, and amenities that can make retirement enjoyable and allow seniors and their families to have total peace of mind.

Highlights of Living in Downtown Orlando

Orlando has been a premier retirement community in Florida for many years, and for good reason. With warm weather, ample activities, access to nature, and a bustling senior community, it is the perfect place to enjoy retirement. 

Whether you live alone, need daily support, or are exploring independent living facilities in Orlando, FL, the city has something for you.

Orlando is home to almost 300,000 people, so there are many different neighborhoods to choose from, from the heart of downtown to the outskirts of the city. Here are just a few highlights of living in downtown Orlando.

Arts and Culture

Orlando is home to a robust arts community that includes up-and-coming artist groups and several art galleries. From modern to contemporary to classic, Orlando is home to a diverse range of artists who share their work with the community. 

In addition, there are several art museums in the downtown area where residents can discover historic art and learn a bit about the history of Orlando at the same time.

For live art, there are frequent opportunities to see live music, shows, and theater in downtown Orlando. Whether you enjoy seeing a live pianist, a full-piece band, or community theater, the city has many options.


Downtown Orlando is home to some of the best restaurants in the city. Of course Orlando is known for its fresh seafood, but there’s so much more to explore. From traditional American fare to authentic cuisine from around the world, you can find it downtown. 

There are dozens of quaint lunch spots to spend the afternoon enjoying the weather. You also have countless options for both casual and fine dining. In addition to restaurants, you’ll find that downtown is home to unique coffee shops, bakeries, cheese shops, and more. 


Whether you are living independently or enjoying assisted living in Orlando, it’s important to stay active. A major benefit of downtown Orlando living is the access to activities. From sporting events to classes, you can easily find a new activity to do each day if you are so inclined. 

Between the minor and major leagues, you have the opportunity to see almost any sporting event you’d like, from football to baseball to hockey. You can even get involved in the downtown community’s youth sports events.

Lifelong learning is easier than ever in downtown Orlando. Take a cooking class, learn how to make pottery, or simply spend an afternoon reading in the library. 

There are also several colleges close to downtown, some of which open up classes to the general public. Consider taking a course on writing, a second language, or another topic you are interested in.

Access to Nature

While some downtown areas have failed to preserve any green space, Orlando has been very thoughtful in city planning and preserving nature throughout the city. You have access to multiple parks, walking trails, hiking paths, and more.

There are few downtown areas in the country that offer the green space that downtown Orlando does. Just steps away from the business of the shops and restaurants you can take a peaceful walk through the park or spend an afternoon bird watching.

Downtown Assisted Living in Orlando

Regardless of your mobility, living in downtown Orlando makes it easier than ever to maintain an active lifestyle through retirement. With so much to do just steps away from your community, you may find yourself busier than ever exploring new interests and making new friends. 

Whether you are looking for a relaxing and slow pace of retirement or an exciting lifestyle filled with new challenges, downtown Orlando can cater to you. 

3 Benefits of Assisted Living for Wheelchair-Bound Seniors

Wheelchair-bound seniors may have to make some adjustments to their way of life, but they should still have access to everything they need to enjoy retirement. Transitioning to assisted living in Orlando can make it much easier to get around and access not only daily necessities but also fun activities. 

Living at home or in an independent living community can be comfortable, but it can also be difficult to move from place to place in a wheelchair. Assisted living facilities are often constructed to better accommodate wheelchairs and seniors with limited mobility.

Here are three benefits of assisted living for wheelchair-bound seniors.

1. Safe and Accessible Spaces

Unlike family homes or some independent living communities, assisted living facilities are built to be easily accessible. You’ll never find a doorway or hallway that cannot fit a wheelchair. In addition, individual living spaces are often outfitted to accommodate wheelchair-bound seniors, so they can access anything they need without help.

This type of environment not only gives seniors access to services and amenities, but it also allows them to maintain a level of independence that just isn’t possible in most other living situations.

2. Help from a Caregiver 

One of the major benefits of assisted living in Orlando is access to caregivers. Even with accessible spaces and thoughtfully constructed living spaces, sometimes wheelchair-bound seniors need a little extra help. No matter what time of night or day it is, a caregiver is available to provide assistance. 

Caregivers in assisted living facilities are highly skilled and trained to accommodate seniors of all mobility levels. They know how to assist seniors while still allowing them to have their independence.

3. Transportation

For wheelchair-bound seniors, leaving their homes can be quite a challenge. Between accommodations that may be needed to access the outdoors and modifications that need to be made to vehicles, transportation is out of reach for many wheelchair-bound seniors.

Assisted living facilities are set up for wheelchair transportation and have all of the tools needed to make transportation easy and seamless. Seniors can get to and from appointments, family visits, entertainment, or other activities stress-free. 

Enjoy Retirement in Assisted Living in Orlando

With the help of dedicated staff, seniors who are wheelchair-bound can still enjoy all of the benefits that retirement has to offer in an Orlando skilled nursing facility or assisted living facility. From socializing with other residents to enjoying on-site and off-site activities, nothing is off-limits.

Admission Requirements: How to Qualify for Assisted Living

If you or your loved one is considering moving to an Orlando assisted living facility, there are a lot of factors to consider. You want to make sure that the facility can meet all of the needs of your loved one, employs quality caregivers, and is overall a good fit. 

If you have not explored assisted living options before, you may be surprised to know that there are admission requirements that must be met prior to transitioning to the community.

Read on to learn more about admission requirements and how to qualify for assisted living. 

Daily Assistance Is Necessary

While seniors can sometimes benefit from assistance when their mobility starts to decline, assisted living facilities cater to seniors who truly need help. In order to be eligible to live in an assisted living facility, seniors must need assistance in “activities of daily living.”

Activities of daily living include: 

  • Grooming
  • Bathing 
  • Dressing
  • Making meals and eating
  • Transitioning from sitting to standing, lying to sitting, etc. 
  • Handling basic toileting needs

Of course, determining when assistance is necessary is subjective, and it can be hard to know when exactly to make the move. The best thing you can do is talk to your loved one — along with the staff at an assisted living facility — about their daily living situation. 

Residents Must Be Predictable and Stable

To qualify for assisted living, residents must be predictable and stable. But what does that actually mean? 

Generally, predictability and stability mean that the senior can be looked after on a set schedule, even if it requires a high level of care, but they don’t require 24/7 care or monitoring. 

Residents who have medical conditions that are not under control may not be approved for assisted living. Similarly, seniors who have a history of violent or disruptive behavior may not qualify.

Qualifying for Orlando Assisted Living

If you or a loved one is looking into assisted living in Florida, the best thing you can do is talk to a health care provider and the staff at an individual assisted living facility during a tour

Staff can help walk you through the specific requirements for qualifying, and a healthcare provider can make recommendations on what type of living arrangements are best. You may find that an Orlando skilled nursing facility or another type of accommodation is more appropriate. 

With a little research, you can find a facility that is a good fit for the long term.

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(407) 845-9459